Stor i Tro podcast
In November 2023, Endre Igland and Daniel Sele published the first episode of the podcast “Stor I Tro”. Since then, they’ve had thousands of listeners.
From the left: Endre Igland og Daniel Sele.
When Endre was in Cambodia in January 2023, he experienced hearing God's voice.
- I was reading Psalm 27 and verse eight was highlighted to me; "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, we trust in the name of the Lord our God". I believe that trusting horses and carriages is about creating your own security, Endre says. In our time, it is easy for us to let career, money and house become our security. We trust in things around us instead of God.
Endre began to write down names of people he knew lived lives where they had taken great steps in faith.
- I experienced hearing God's voice, which said: You should start a podcast, and it should be called Stor i Tro.
- I had faith in the idea as soon as Endre told me about it. It was a project I wanted to help build, Daniel says.
Furthermore, he says that this was a type of podcast he hadn't seen much of in Norway. Since the start, the podcast has had thousands of listeners and viewers on YouTube.
What do you think makes young people choose to listen to this particular podcast?
- I myself have experienced that my life has been changed after hearing other people's stories. Sometimes the testimony of what God has done in someone else's life can make more of an impact than a sermon. When you hear personal stories, you think - God can do that for me too. It builds faith, Daniel says.
Endre adds that the podcast stands out because it is not theme-based, instead it’s life stories.
- It’s personal stories that no one can take away from them. We'll let God speak through their stories, he says.
When they invite guests, Endre and Daniel look for people who have taken a step of faith and chosen to do something out of the ordinary.
- We want the guests in the podcast to have different life experiences. Those who have lived out radical faith in various areas of life. We want to hear from both the teacher and the missionary, says Daniel.
What do you put in the name Stor I Tro (Big in Faith)?
- "Faith in the small things" (Tro i smått) would probably have described our podcast better, says Endre. That's because it's about people who have been faithful in the small things. From our perspective, they have great faith, even though it may not have been experienced that way for the person themselves.
Daniel adds that it is about those stories where they have thrown themselves into something unknown and dared to look stupid. Such as having faith for "impossible" things, such as revival in high schools or going out as a missionary to an unreached people group.
- We want to lift up stories that challenge us and the listeners to live radical lives for Jesus, says Daniel.
The podcast has been a pilot project, however, Daniel and Endre plan to continue indefinitely.
- We believe that it is right to continue when the response is so good. We still have many people that we would like to invite.