| the two-handed gospel
| the two-handed gospel
| the two-handed gospel
| the two-handed gospel
| the two-handed gospel
| the two-handed gospel
The Two-Handed Gospel
You do not need to go empty handed. The Lord will continuously fill our hands and hearts to overflow and abound in every good work. We are living in exciting times.
That’s why we gather all staff and students as YWAM Norway for Workers’ Gathering. You are warmly welcome! We are eager to come together to love God, seek his face and connect with his heart and each other. The value of unity and corporate vision cannot be underestimated.
The focus will be the Two-Handed Gospel. The Lord has called us to be unashamed of the Gospel and to love radically through acts of mercy. We will focus especially on the Muslim world and the situation in the Middle east and educate ourselves more in this area as well as mercy ministries and how to share the Gospel.
Let us come together to lift our hands in worship and intercession. And allow God to fill our hands and equip us to go. Let’s unite our hands in love as YWAM family and strengthen and challenge each other to use both hands as we share the Gospel freely wherever Jesus calls us to go. We will have fun, share good meals and coffee, meet old and new friends, pray and laugh together. You are up for a real treat.
Attached you can see the programs for the different gatherings from Monday 11th to Sunday 17th of November.
Because of sensitivity Friday and Saturday evening meeting will not be streamed online. Saturday morning will be streamed.
Friday 15th
07:00-08:30 Breakfast
09:30 Morning session w/Dag Øivind Juliussen
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Morning session continues
13:00 Lunch A-K
13:35 Lunch L-Å
14:30-15:15 Seminars round one
15:45-16:30 Seminars round two
17:00 Dinner A-K
17:45 Dinner L-Å
19:00 Evening Meeting w/ Martha
21:00-23:00 Open kiosk & café
22:00-23:00 Music bingo in the overflowSaturday 16th
07:00-08:30 Breakfast
09:30 Morning session w/ Luke Greenwood
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Morning session continues
13:00 Lunch A-K
13:35 Lunch L-Å
14:30-15:15 Seminars round one
15:45-16:30 Seminars round two
17:00 Celebration dinner A-K
17:45 Celebration dinner L-Å
19:00 Celebration w/ Martha
21:30-23:30 Open kiosk & caféSunday 17th
07:00-08:30 Breakfast -
13:00 - 15:00
21:00 - 23:00Saturday:
13:00 - 15:00
21:00 - 23:00 -
Because of sensitivity Friday and Saturday evening meeting will not be streamed online. Saturday morning will be streamed.
The meetings will be streamed for staff and field workers who can’t attend the conference. A link to the streaming will be sent out shortly before the event.
The meeting will be streamed in the prayer rooms for families with small kids in addition to the overflow classroom.
Important information
Each base is responsible to use the cars and buses they are bringing.
If you have available seats, please bring extra peopl
To be wise and caring, we ask everyone to be very considerate in doing their part in avoiding spreading sickness at the WG. We will be more than 600 people together in a limited area. Last November we had a challenge with many people getting sick during and after the WG.Therefore, we ask you diligently to follow these guidelines:
If you are sick at departure to WG, please, don’t come. Stay home and follow the streaming.
If you get sick after arrival – stay in isolation in your room. Do not pick up your own food or hang out in the main areas. Follow the streaming from your room.
Everyone needs to use hand sanitation and do washing of hands really seriously
If you have questions or get sick during the gathering contact Hege-Elise Sandås at +47 92937386.
Thursday opening dinner will be served 5pm-6:30pm. All other days dinners will be served in two groups divided by last names:
Group 1: A-K - 17:00-17:45
Group 2: L-Å - 17:45-18:30Lunch will also be served in the same groups divided by last names:
Group 1: A-K - 13:00-13:35
Group 2: L-Å - 13:35-14:10
You can eat in the barn, living rooms and tent.
See program for more details. -
Follow parking signs as you arrive Grimerud. Main parking will be on the parking lot.
You cannot park in front of the barn.
Everyone attendig WG will help out with a practical taks to help the conference work smoothly.
You will get to know your task through the contact person from your base. Please show up in for your task and let your contact person know if you’re sick and can’t come.
We offer transportation connected to specific train arrivals and departures at Stange station. You find these in the sign up sheet.
We only offer transportation at the beginning and end of each event.
The sign up will close Friday November 8th at 16:00.
For questions contact: (+47) 92920924
Because of the amount of people coming to workers gathering this year, there is not enough rooms, duvets and pillows for everyone - therefore we aks you to bring:
Sleeping bag, matt and pillow (Some won’t need all this - you will receive a message if this concern you). You will get to know your sleeping location as you register at arrival.
Also remember:
Warm clothes
Something nice to wear for Saturday nights love feast.
For questions regarding the workers gathering, email: medarbeidersamling@ywam.no
Who is coming?
Andreas Nordli
Andreas Nordli is the leader of Youth with a Mission Norway. He is married to Åsne and together they have five children. He has dedicated his life to see a missions movement in our time. He dreams of waves of young people to the nations.
The Sound
The Sound is a worship collective based out of YWAM Grimerud. They have led worship at The Send and multiple events in Norway and in Europe.
For questions regarding the workers gathering, email: medarbeidersamling@ywam.no