Filtering by: “Grimerud”
Fire & Fragrance DTS
to Mar 7

Fire & Fragrance DTS

We believe that Gen Z has an important role to play in seeing the gospel preached in every nation, tribe and language. Come and get equipped and be a part of seeing a new Jesus movement on the earth! When it comes to the Fire and Fragrance DTS we want to let Jesus empower us with his love through prayer, worship, God’s word and His Spirit. Out of that place we desire to see a broken world get to know Jesus as their savior and God as a Father. First in our heart, in our neighborhoods and then to the nations.

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Fire & Fragrance DTS
to Jun 1

Fire & Fragrance DTS

We believe that Gen Z has an important role to play in seeing the gospel preached in every nation, tribe and language. Come and get equipped and be a part of seeing a new Jesus movement on the earth! When it comes to the Fire and Fragrance DTS we want to let Jesus empower us with his love through prayer, worship, God’s word and His Spirit. Out of that place we desire to see a broken world get to know Jesus as their savior and God as a Father. First in our heart, in our neighborhoods and then to the nations.

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Family & Crossroads DTS
to Aug 15

Family & Crossroads DTS

Many of us find ourselves at a crossroads asking this very question. We can get stuck in familiar patterns of life, uncertain of what to do but wanting more of God.

This Discipleship Training School is for families, couples and older singles who want to take a step of faith, seeking a fresh encounter with Jesus. We want to root you in the power of the Holy Spirit and passionate love of the Father.

With practical training in evangelism and ministry, you will then go to the nations and see people radically transformed by the Gospel.

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